Building The World’s Best Longevity AI



NOMIX empowers the healthcare ecosystem by revolutionising individual well-being with data-driven health solutions and providing access to aggregated health data by unlocking the Collective Digital Immune System for the healthcare market.





Autonomous AI Agents

Privacy-Preserving Data Management

Personalized AI-based Longevity Recommendations



Individual personal omics & biomarker data will be used to train AI Agent algorithms creating longevity recommendations, developing predictive, proactive, personalized, participatory 4-P medicine.


healthy years


The biggest goal of NOMIX CEO Michael Reuter is to live to stay healthy and fit for a very long time, possibly until he is 125 years old. More and more people are following the longevity trend and adapting their lifestyle to maximize their healthspan. Leveraging its Collective Digital Immune System database, NOMIX uses  AI Agents  to create longevity algorithms for research and development! of products that help to optimize individual well-being! NOMIX uses state-of-the-art Web3, AI, and privacy-preserving Identity technologies to foster innovation and collaboration in healthcare.

Featured Technology

NOMIX uses Autonomous AI Agents and Web3 technologies to manage personal omics and biomarker data safely. Users receive their NOMIX OM and digital token rewards in the BIOCOACH app, which is also used by their personal BIOCOACH for individual coaching, and the Autonomous AI Agent that does all the work on their behalf and guides them towards a long and healthy life.


Within the BIOCOACH app, you receive NOMIX OM for providing your biodata for creating longevity algorithms, scientific research, and product development. You can set up your data preferences that will be used by your personal AI-powered Autonomous Agent who does all the communication on your behalf.

Autonomous Agents

AI agents are personal assistants who answer all health- and longevity-related questions. The AI-powered Autonomous Agent takes care of the secure management of individual biodata and does all the search, exchange, communication, and negotiation work on the user’s behalf.


Users invest in their health by swapping their NOMIX OM with NOMIX Reward Tokens, turning them into personal financial benefits by either using them as a discount in the NOMIX ecosystem or trading them in a crypto exchange. That’s how individuals can make a living from their investment in their health.

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Unlocking Health Rewards: The BIOCOACH OM Incentive System

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Simplified weight loss for obesity through biofeedback

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“My partner pointed me to NOMIX after I could not explain these strange headaches I got every 3 weeks or so. Since I didn’t know where to start, what to tell my doctor, beside the symptoms, I started to provide my biodata to NOMIX. I’m sure that I’m not the only woman of my age and lifestyle experiencing these headaches. The data will give me a certainty.”

Andrea Maucher

“I heard and read a lot about aging and all sorts of methods to stay young. Over time I’ve tried to figure out what works for me. Today, I’m contributing my health data to NOMIX because I benefit by focusing on the relevant aspects of wellbeing and because I want others to learn what they personally can do to optimise their health spans.”

Kira Nezu